moggy lover
JoinedPosts by moggy lover
What Religion Are You?
by choosing life ini know a lot of posters are not religious and others feel no need to attend a church.
but, for those that do attend somewhere, i was curious as to what type of church they chose after leaving the jws and what attracted them to that particular church or religion?
if you were not raised as a jw, did you return to the church you were raised in?
New Jerusalem 607 B.C.E. web Site
by jdough inthere is a new web site devoted to the false claim by jehovah's witnesses that jerusalem was destroyed in 607 b.c.e.
please feel free to link to the site.
moggy lover
Incidently I can't link to the site. When I punched the adress you gave the page came up blank. Evidently your adress was incomplete.
For what its worth I can pass on something that I did pull up and which is relatively new. Its a WT favoured site and written in a manner to support WT policies. Its bright, even scholarly, and quite well written. I would reccomend it to anyone interested in a WT leaning justification for their chronology. It is written by someone called "Jim Space" [which may be a psedonym] and shows how bankrupt official WT writings are in that they have to rely on auxilliaries like "jim space" rather than themselves
thnetopsychism - I have never heard it called that before
by BluesBrother inok , you scholars no doubt are familiar with this term , but please be patient with a laymen like me.
i found the word by linking from one of flying high now's threads.
moggy lover
Unfortunately, that Wikpeda article does not name any of the ancient groups who believed in and taught the mortality of the soul. It does give some of the modern day Christian sects such as the Christadelphians etc. Off the top of my head I can recall the Stoics, the Epicureans, the Sadducees, and several Gnostic philosophies who did teach this.
I myself have never heard this long-winded word but if I had to have a go I would pronounce it:
" Th neto sigh kism" in four syllables.
Book study week of 02-12 - Revelation 1:10-17
by Inquisitor inhiya all!.
i would love to hear from you guys how mainstream christians and textual critics/scholars interpret the following features of revelation 1:10-17. i) the lord's day.
ii) the seven congregations - did these really exist?
moggy lover
Most evangelicals being different from the insular, dogmatics of WTS theology openly acknowledge that Revelation can be perceived in different ways:
1 Lord's Day may refer to an expression that was familiar to 1st century Christians and found in several OT and NT verses: Isa 2:12, 13:6, 13:9, 34:8, Joel 1:15, 2:1, Zeph 1:7,8, 1Th 5:2, 2Pet 3:10, etc, and which portrayed a future day, when the earth will experience God's judment.
2 It may also refer to an expression, that having followed on from Revelation, led to becoming a technical phrase in the 2nd C AD, meaning the first day of the week, Sunday. Deismann has shown that defiant Christians replaced the Roman expression "Emperor's Day" which was celebrated at least once a month and usually weekly, with their own phrase. The term "Lord's Day" came to memorialize the resurrection of Christ, hence the belief in His exaltation to sovereignty.
3 The phrase "Like a SOM" recalls Dan 7:13, and doubtless is used with the remembrance of our Lord's use of this title, despite its absence in Paul's and other epistles. Evidently John is sactioning the validity of his own vision by drawing freely from OT apocalyptic themes. The sword out of His mouth may have several meanings, but one could be that Christ was now no longer a humble human being, but a future, divine judge.
4 The seven churches were indeed real, and are presented in a geographical progression. A messenenger would naturally travel the route from the seaport of Ephesus north to Smyra, another port some 60 kms away. A journey further north and east would bring one to Pergamos, and then would swing east and south to the other four cities.
A basic problem in interpreting the Book of Revelation is the various chronological schemes it may fit into: past, historic, and futurist.The WTS follows its own idiosyncratic scheme in that it deliberately wrests much of the book out of its own context and applies it, with varying degrees of credulous inconsistency, to the historical development of the WTS, especially since 1918. Evangelicals though differing in detail, feel only a futuristic interpretation of chaps 4 - 22 has any consistency for theological expression. What is mentioned therin has, in other words, not come about yet.
Before unfolding the tremendous prophetic scenes of chaps 4 - 22, Christ gave a personal message to each of the seven churches mentioned, a personal message that many believe, has practical application today to the universal Body of believers residing in all denominations, and even seperately, and which we call His Church.
EXPOSED: THE WT tweaks verses to fit their own agenda.
by pixel inok, here's something i noticed when i was in the book study this week, related to the "seven time" prophecy, the verses are daniel 4:19-32.
related to the interpretation of nebuchadnezzar's dream, daniel wish the dream to apply to those who hate nebuchadnezzar and the interpretation, to his adversaries.
verse 22 says explicitly that the big tree is him, nebuchadnezzar.
moggy lover
In my opinion, the almost fatal flaw in the WT "explanation" of the vision found in Daniel, is their deliberate avoidance of the verse that sums up the vision, vs 28. Dan 4 tells us that Daniel explains Nebuchadnezzar's dream from vss 20 - 27. Did the explanation come to pass? You bet!! Because vs 28 says: "All this befell Nebuchadnezzar the King"
Now when the text says "all" I assume it means exactly what it says. That everything ever involved in that dream was completely fulfilled. Whatever Daniel's Spirit-inspired explanation was, it was fully, and irrevocably fulfilled in the person of Nebuchadnezzar, and we need seek no further sense to Daniel's meaning.
But the WTS, evidently exercising some perceived divine prerogative, attempts to further extend the fulfillment to suit their own theological agenda. It is the only case I can think of where an OT prophecy, having been fulfilled in the OT, has another fulfilment, in our time.
In fact, in chap 9 of the book, "The Bible God's word or man's?" they point to several such prophecies to show the Bible's truthfulness, and in none do they ever attempt to see any further application.
But in Daniel chap 4 they do see some further, mystical meaning.
The Unforgivable Sin
by lfcviking ini was browsing a section of the watchtower cd rom 2003 on a section to do with 'repentance' and this is what it said:.
those practicing sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth have gone beyond the point of repentance, for they have rejected the very purpose for which gods son died and so have joined the ranks of those who sentenced him to death, in effect, impaling the son of god afresh for themselves and exposing him to public shame.
moggy lover
There appear to be several different ways we may look at these verses, any one of which, or even a combination would shed light on this question for us:
1 There does not appear to be any one particular sin in view, otherwise Christ would have revealed it, lest his hearers even unintentionally commit it. So, whether you strangle your mother-in-law, or even kick Ted Jaracz in the nuts even if he deserves it, is not the issue. It is more a state of the mind, or more appropriately, the state of the heart that is important.
2 If you are concerned about it, you have'nt commited it.
3 The sin is against the Holy Spirit. It is not a sin against you or me, or even the "manifest operation of the spirit as revealed in WT literature" It is against the Holy Spirit. He decides what that sin is. He condemns, and an eternal condemnation it is. It is not for us, or even for those pompous degenerates who arrogantly claim divine sanction, while luxuriating in comfortable surroundings in WT HQ in New York, to dictate what this sin is.
4 The sin against the Holy Spirit is spoken of as being in two eras. Evidently one can commit this unforgivable sin in "This Age" and in "The Age to come" "This age" would be the time in which Jesus was alive, the "Jewish Age" and the "Age to come" would be the coming "Millennium Age" The one common factor in these two ages is the physical reality of the Presence of The Son of Man. Back in Christ's time the Pharisees actually saw the real Christ and saw the work of the Holy Spirit through His miracles. Rejecting Him, they rejected the Spirit. That was what bordered on the Ungforgivable. The text does not say whether or not they actually did commit this sin, but they were in danger of that very thing. Similarly, those in the Millennium will see the living Christ who will bring about even grander wonders by that same Spirit. Believe it or not there will be some who simply will not recognize this, ascribing these to the devil.
5 The age we live in now, the Gospel Age, brings the redeeming work of Christ's blood to all. There is no sin, and no person or group of persons that is beyond the infinite value of the blood of Christ
6 This is not to say that we need to be unrepentant now. The Unforgivable Sin may be a sin awaiting a future generation, but as far as we are concerned, the Bible does warn about an unrepentant heart. We can die in our sins, ie without "believing that Jesus is who He claimed to be". This is not the Unforgivable sin, but yet we die in a state of unforgiveness.[Jo 8:24] We will then reap the consequences of unforgiveness. You get one shot at eternal life, and it is now.
7 Those making a practice of sin show that they are not of that sort who have believed the claims of Christ, for, as John says, those who are born of Him practice righteousness. They may indeed sin, but they practice righteousness [1Jo 2:29]
Favourite Movie scores/soundtracks of all Time?
by Crumpet ini was just going through my cds and unapcking them and noticed that i have way more film scores than anything else.. particular favourites have to be:.
1) the mission - ennio morricone - beautiful and moving.
2) hannibal - hans zimmer - haunting and with a stunning opera piece which i love.
moggy lover
By far my favourite must be Gladiator.
Especially the last bit which seems to be Hebrew since the word "Shalom" comes up often.
Absolutely haunting.
Wish I knew who composed the music, though. My CD does'nt seem to say.
"Let Your Name Be Sanctified"----PDF!
by Atlantis in"let your name be sanctified" (1961) (scroll down) god the holy spirit: similar to many other cults, jehovah's witnesses deny the deity of the holy spirit.
they have written, "but the holy spirit has no personal name.
the reason for this is that the holy spirit is not an intelligent person.
moggy lover
What's the Douglas Walsh transcripts?
"Let Your Name Be Sanctified"----PDF!
by Atlantis in"let your name be sanctified" (1961) (scroll down) god the holy spirit: similar to many other cults, jehovah's witnesses deny the deity of the holy spirit.
they have written, "but the holy spirit has no personal name.
the reason for this is that the holy spirit is not an intelligent person.
moggy lover
Duly received and saved. Great work and good luck
Ta, mate
2008 Changes to the Watchtowers
by Inquisitor ini don't know if someone else has already posted about this.
i tried looking a page or two back in this section, but didn't find any thread on this news.
if someone has, pls add the link in this thread.. no, the watchtowers aren't gonna be monthly like the awake, but apparently the w mags will be designed in this way:.
moggy lover
Looks like they are closing up shop and pulling down the shutters for public accesss to their material.
The only way you will be able to know what the WTS really thinks, is to think you're really in the WTS.
Then will come the books, and finally the Dist Assys will be restricted admission. Not that this is a bad thing since we don't go to those insufferable wind bag sessions anyway
Hmmm...... Anybody thought about how our own WT studies will go? I mean can our WT Study Conductor Blondie get the private Wts which have the study articles?
I can't bear the thought of not studying the WT ..... noo... nooo.